The Vermont Releaf Collective has changed its name to Liberation Ecosystem; as such, this website and domain will shortly become inactive.

The Vermont Releaf Collective cultivates connection, shares resources, and amplifies the voices of people of color in Vermont within our focus areas of Land, Environment, Agriculture, and Foodways. We are a collaborative ecosystem for growing power and community for our members.

Together we are an ecosystem rich with joy, care, and justice that acknowledges the historical and current harm within land, environment, agriculture and foodways. Vermont can be a place where Black, Indigenous and People of Color experience connection with each other and the natural world; collectively we are creating a dignified future that is an equitable and safe place for Black, Indigenous, People of Color.


The Vermont Releaf Collective aims to be a collaborative, fluid, and intentional network that focuses first and always on the depth and potential of our internal work.

The Vermont Releaf Collective stands for racial equity in land, environment, agriculture, and food. From farmers and gardeners to restaurant employees and seed savers, from entrepreneurs and activists to hikers and researchers and more, our network is fostering a collective affinity space and alliance of BIPOC individuals and organizations who are deeply committed to promoting racial equity across the four focus areas.


Ready to Grow

As we continue to grow our network and platform, we welcome donations, grants, and other forms of financial support. Click below to learn how you can support the Vermont Releaf Collective.


"Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world."

— Dolores Huerta